Here we are--Advent II
Our second principle of faith: service.
At Grace, over the years, Advent liturgy has evolved into a more spacious, quiet reflective experience.
This year at the liturgy of the word we will first offer a reflective reading (a different poem each week by Walter Brueggemann) and the Gospel. That's it. With a space for silence and stillness in between the reflective reading/poem and the gospel hymn.
This week's reflective reading is: You are known in hiddenness
The Gospel: Luke 3: 1-6
Our Gathering Song will be a chant-like piece I have composed to text inspired by Anis Mojgani's poem Closer.
You Make the Lord Happy
Our second principle of faith: service.
At Grace, over the years, Advent liturgy has evolved into a more spacious, quiet reflective experience.
This year at the liturgy of the word we will first offer a reflective reading (a different poem each week by Walter Brueggemann) and the Gospel. That's it. With a space for silence and stillness in between the reflective reading/poem and the gospel hymn.
This week's reflective reading is: You are known in hiddenness
The Gospel: Luke 3: 1-6
Our Gathering Song will be a chant-like piece I have composed to text inspired by Anis Mojgani's poem Closer.
You Make the Lord Happy
Opening Processional: Prepare the Way O Zion
Offertory: Guadalupe/Tom Russell
This one is being worked up with concertina, guitar, fiddle and voices arranged by our own Rev. Jim Friedrich--resident creative liturgical wizard. Honoring Guadalupe today!
Communion: All during Advent, instrumental offerings. More space, less words.
After Communion: Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord
OK, you may think this is corny and dated and way too 70's but it turns out it is just perfect with piano accompaniment and maybe starting with a single child's voice and then building and adding instruments and voices.
Closer: Come Thou Long Expected Jesus
Tune: Hyfrydol
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